
ANARE Expeditioners 1948-1997

This list is being prepared for the ANARE Jubilee and will be used in the history being prepared by Tim Bowden, and in other ways during the 1997 Jubilee year. This is in draft form. You are requested to advise Martin Betts of any errors you may find or provide any other information. Note: 1997 winterers are correct as of September 1996.

A = Amery Ice Shelf; C = Casey (old and new); D = Davis; H = Heard Island
M = Mawson; Q = Macquarie Island; W= Wilkes (including Repstat)

M57 means wintered at Mawson in 1957.
Station Leader or OiC indicated by * (e.g. M57*)
Died during winter or on a subsequent summer trip = +

Abbott, Ian C85
Abbottsmith, John H48
Abbs, Gordon Q54, M56
Abeysekera, Bob C83
Ackerly, John Q67, C71
Adam, Bruce. C84
Adams, Ian Q56*, M58*
Adams, John Q78
Adams, Neil C94
Adams, Warren M79
Adamson, Erica C88
Addicoat, Des D91, M94
Adolph, Jan D82, Q84
Afflick, Gordon M65
Aimer, Bruce C73
Aitken, Vicki Q83
Akerman, Graeme M76
Akerman, Jon D90*
Alafaci, Maurice D86
Albion, Pat M56
Alcorn, Bruce C85, M89
Alden, Bruce D76
Alderdice, Henry W59
Alexander, Arthur M88, C92
Alexander, Nevil D77
Algar, Phill Q91
Allan, Bob W68
Allan, Joe Q64
Allardyce, Craig C96
Allen, Bill C77
Allen, Denise Q85, M86, D88, C92
Allen, Gary C74, M78
Allen, Gordon W65
Allison, Bob H49*, M55
Allison, Don M65
Allison, Ian M69
Allport, Bruce M64
Allwright, Barry C71
Almond, Dick M73
Anderson, Carl Q71
Anderson, Gary M83, M86
Anderson, Keith D71
Anderson, Mervyn D88
Anderson, Morag D90
Anderson, Peter W68
Anderson, Ross C69
Anderson, Roy M69
Andrews+, Keith Q72
Andrews, David Q75
Andrews, Kerry C72
Andrich, Ingrid Q96
Anglesey, Scott D95
Arden, Peter M73, Q86, Q88
Armanini, John D62
Armistead, John M89
Armstrong, Barry M78
Armstrong, Chris M59
Armstrong, Dave Q70, D72, M74
Armstrong, Graeme C93*
Armstrong, John D88, M96
Armstrong, Mick M84
Arnel, Roy Q52, M57, M58
Arriens, Pieter D76*
Arrowsmith, Tom M83*
Arthur, John M60
Ash, Ray W63
Ashcroft, Gordon M81
Ashford, Tony M74
Assender, Ken M60
Atkinson, Jim Q60
Atkinson, Laurie H52
Atkinson, Mark D97
Atkinson, Phil Q64
Attard, Peter D90, C93, M97
Austin, Craig C72
Aves, Alan M86, M89,
Ayton, Jeffrey C92
Azmi, Obadur C95
Baciu, Florian C91
Backhouse, Brett M92
Baggott, Peter M65, W67
Bagliani, Fulvio M75, M77
Bailey, Trevor D94
Bain, Chris M69
Baines, Fred Q58*
Bajinskis, Ray Q96
Baker, Don D72
Bakker, Fred D64
Baldwin, John M65
Ball, Brian D76, M80
Ball, Dave C81
Ballantyne, Bob C82
Bandy, Bob M75, C78, D84
Banfield, Geoff M59
Bannister, Peter Q79, C86
Barber, Alan Q89, D91
Barclay, Garry C84
Barclay, Geoff M96
Barclay, Robert Q90, C92
Barker+, Roger D75
Barker, John M75
Barnaart, Phil D78*, C80*, Q85*, M88*, Q91*, Q97*
Barnes, Graham C71
Barnes, Jason D96
Barnes, John Q68
Baron, Ray M88
Barr, Suzanne M95
Barratt, Noel D60
Barrett, Colin C79
Barrett, David D76, M78, Q80, Q85, M92
Barrett, Ken Q94
Barrett, Noel Q64, W66
Barrett, Peter C82
Barton, Gil M76
Barton-Johnson, Rod C75
Bates, Nick Q89
Batt, Ken C77, Q80
Battye, Alastair W62
Baulch, Roy Q77
Baxter, Brian C84, M86
Bayer, Ray Q58
Bayley, Mike W65
Bayliss, Peter D93
Beasley, Wally Q68
BEchervaise, John H53*, M55*, M59*
Beck, John M64, W66
Bedson, Mark D74, M84
Beer, Geoff D81
Beggs, Helen Q87, C90
Behn, Les Q49
Beinssen, Konrad D82*
Belcher, Ross C80
Bell, Brian Q62
Bell, Cameron Q94
Bell, David Q75
Bell, Elanor D96
Bell, John Q79
Bell, Stewart M59
Beman, Keith M69
Bence, Mick C81, C84, Q87
Bennett, Dave M73
Bennett, Jim M68
Bennett, John M65,
Bennett, John Q70*
Bennett, Ken M60, W65, M67, D69, Q73, Q76, Q82,D86
Bennett, Peter C72
Bennett, Roger Q48
Bensley, Pat M65, C71
Benson, Oliver C79
Bergin, Bob M61, Q63
Berridge, Howard D82
Berrigan, Max W61, Q65
Berry, Phil D92, D94, D96
Berzins, Bert C75, M78
Besso, Rick Q82, D85, Q96
Best, John M77
Betts, Martin Q69, M71
Bewsher, Bill M56*
Bicknell, Andrew C96
Biggs, Roger M68
Bilson, John W68
Binns, Darryel Q87, Q90
Bird, Garry M61
Bird, Ian M60
Birss, John M78
Bishop, Geoff C89
Bishop, Jim Q53
Bishop, John Q65, M67
Bishop. Dave C70, D73
Blaby, David C70, M80
Black, Harry Q57*, W60*
Black, Ian E. M63
Black, Ian K. Q59
Black, Malcolm Q78
Blackwood, Michael D88
Blades, Quentin C69
Blair, Jim M58
Blake, Adrian M79, C82
Blake, Dave M68
Blake, Roger M58
Blakebrough, Dave C78
Blakeley, Leon C76
Blandford, Doug D74*
Blight, David C70
Blobel, Colin C87, Q90, D94
Bloomfield, Ted M60
Blundell, Keith Q77, M79
Blundell, Tony W66, M68, Q71
Blyth, Alan W66*
Blyth, Warren, D93, M97
Boda, John W59, Q61, D62, Q68
Bode, Ken M67, C69
Bode, Ortwin Q59, M62
Bodey, Alan C70
Bolza, Alf Q55, M58
Bonar, Derek D93
Bond, Dave M68
Bone, Steve W62
Bonnici, 'Mick'W64
Bool, Geoff M69
Borland, R ay H52, M58
Borschmann, Enid Q78, M85
Bott, Ken H51
Bottomley, Phillip D92
Boucher, Chris M97
Bourke, Peter N. M77
Bourke, Peter, J. M85, Q87, Q89, D91
Bowers, Arthur Q51
Bowling, Lee Q74, D76
Bowtell, Peter Q66
Bowthorpe, Mike W64
Boyd, Jeff D70
Boyd, John W65
Boyd, Trevior Q50
Braden, Lachlan Q85, C88
Brading, Matt Q94, M97
Bradley, Garry D62, M64
Brammer, Paul M75, C79
Brand, Alain D80
Brand, Russell M77, C84, C88
Brandie, Neil M78
Brandt, Henry W59
Brandt, Peter Q70
Branson, John M62
Braunsteffer, Claude D59
Brawley, Brian D82
Bray, Joe W66, W68, Q73
Breckinridge, John W61
Breckon, Ralph Q74
Bredhauer, Laurie C78
Breed, Anthony C97
Breen, John Q97
Breeze, Bill C76
Brennan, Bernard Q60
Brennan, Carl C74
Brennan, Joe C87, M89, D93
Brice, Neil Q57
Bridgeford, Randall D87, M89, M92
Bridger, David C81
Brierly, Keith M95
Briggs, Peter D83*
Brightman, Grant M90
Brightwell, Neil W68*
Brinkies, Hans W66
Broad, Dave W67
Broadhurst, Jonathan D77
Broadhurst, Mal M72
Broadhurst, Noel M77
Brockbank, Tony C80
Brockelsby, Keith M61
Brocklehurst, Frank M64
Bromham, Barry D73*
Bromwich, Dave C70
Brookes, Ray D72, D74
Brooks, Andrew C96
Brooks, Jim H53
Brooks, Lawrie Q52, Q58
Brooks, Tom C74
Brooks, Trevor C76
Brophy, Brian M73
Brophy, Dennis W64
Brothers, Nigel Q76, Q79
Brown, Alex Q56, M58, D61
Brown, Greg D78
Brown, Harold Q70
Brown, Ken H51
Brown, Lex C71
Brown, Peter E. D90
Brown, Peter L. H52
Brown, Rick C76, C79
Brown, Robin. Q93
Brown, Ron C78
Brown-Cooper, Peter W65
Browne, Chris C87
Browne, Peter C82
Bruce, David C73
Bruce, Ian C88, Q97
Bruehwiler Albert Q82, D86, M90, M93
Bruer, Mike H50
Bryant, Gerry M73, C76
Bryden, Mike Q65
Buckland, Rod M71
Budd, Bill W61, M64
Budd, Grahame H54*, M59
Budnick, Keith W64
Buis, Graham C85
Bulcock, Tony Q76
Bulling, Elizabeth C95
Bulu, Jowelli D82
Bunning+, Stephen D85
Bunt, John Q51, M56
Bunt, Rod D80
Burch, Bill W61
Burch, Mike D79
Burchell, Rex M79*
Burke, Chris D83
Burkett, Graeme W60
Burnett, Eric M58
Burnett, Hedley H49
Burns, Dave D75, D77
Burns, Gary C76, Q80
Burrows, Dave D82
Burton, Arthur H49
Burton, Gary C84, D95, M97
Burton, Harry D74, D78
Butcher, James M87
Butcher, Peter Q70, D72, C74
Butler, Bill M67
Butler, Ken M82, C85
Butler, Patrick M90
Butler, Paul M81*, D85*, D87*
Butler, Rowan M81, C84
Butler, Wade M74
Butling, Don W60
Butterworth, Alan D86
Butterworth, Geoff W63, M66
Butterworth, Roy M87, M91
Byrne, Darryl C86
Cabrie, Ian D71
Callaghan, Jeff Q66, M70
Callow, Dave Q55, M57
Calman, Jim W62
Calver, Ross Q74
Calwell, Bob Q64
Cameron+, Geoff M74
Cameron, Doug C80, D87, M89, Q91
Cameron, Ian Q81
Cameron, Peter M74
Cameron, Scott M65
Campbell, Ian M73
Campbell, Julie M82
Campbell, Ken Q54*
Campbell, Kevin M80
Campbell, Malcolm M90
Campbell, Mike W60
Campbell, Peter D75
Campbell-Drury, Alan H48
Cane, Richard. M91
Canham, John W67*, Q69*
Cannon, Warren M80
Cantellow, Derek C72
Canterbury, Graham D86
Cappelletti, Peter Q84
Cardell, Norm M64
Carey, Peter C81
Carmichael, Noel Q91, Q94
Carne, Bert M60
Carnegie, James M67
Carr, Gary C78
Carr, Jim H52
Carr, John D71
Carr, Michael D94*
Carroll, 'Shorty'H48
Carroll, Denis D78, Q80
Carstens, David M62
Carter, Brian M75
Carter, David W67
Cartledge, Bill W62, M66, M71, M73
Cartwright, Geoff D95
Carver, Jim C70, C73
Casasayas, George Q59
Cassidy, Tim M69*
Casson, Tony Q84
Caswell, John M79
Catesby, Dave C82
Catley, Simon C87
Cave, Peter D74
Cave, Sandy C89
Cechet, Bob M83
Cerchi, Warren M82
Cesar, Dave D90, M92, D94
Chadder, Ron Q48
Chamberlain, Bill Q63
Chambers, Brian D70
Champion, Clive W68
Champness, Rodney Q67
Channon, Grey M58
Chant, Ray D80
Chapman, Mike Q67
Chapman, Peter W63
Chapman, Phil M58
Chappell, Brendan Q78, D84
Charlesworth, Philip Q88
Cheeseman, Don C83*
Cheffins, Dave H51
Cheney, Barry M67
Cheney, Chris C79, C83
Chester, Dave C80
Chester, Ken C76*, M78*
Chesworth, Paul C80, M84, M85
Chilmaid, Brian M91, D93
Chittleborough, Graham H49
Chlebowski, Tom D89, Q93
Cholawinskyj, Charlie C89
Chong, Cao D84
Christensen, Kevin M84, C87, D89
Christensen, Merv Q53, M56
Christiansen, Col M71, C75, D77
Christie, Neil M84
Christmas, Ross Q74
Church, Stan W61
Clague, Eric W62
Clark, Gary M74
Clark, Greg C86
Clark, Irvin C70
Clark, Ray D83, C87, Q95
Clark, Russell C91
Clarke, Jim C84
Clarke, Michael D90
Cleary, John Q57
Cleary, Kevin H51
Cleland, Vic H54, W67
Clemence, Peter M57
Clements, Brian C79
Clemmett, Peter Q80
Clifford, Brian M72
Clifton, Alison Q89*, D91*
Clifton, Ian C82 M89
Climie, Andrew Q84, Q93
Clough, Robert Q78
Clougher, Gerry Q84, Q87, D96
Coca, Alex M78
Cockburn, Peter D96
Cody, Richard D73, M76
Cohen, Derrick Q50*
Colback, Graeme Q71*, D75*
Cole, Keith Q56
Cole, Laurie Q77, C79
Coleman, Frank Q60
Coles, Dave D82
Colley, John M90
Collins, Bill M90, C93
Collins, Craig D88
Collins, Lee C69
Collins, Nev M57, M60, W62, A68
Compton, George H48
Conde, Mark M84, M86, M92
Conder, Dereck Q82
Conlon, Leo Q55
Connelly, John Q68
Conrick, Neil C84, Q87, M89
Cook, Bruce Q56, M58
Cook, George M66, Q68
Cook, Philip M92
Cook, Stephen M96
Cooke, Clive Q59
Cooke, David M63
Cooke, Robin Q62, M64
Cooke, Roland Q83
Cooley, Helen Q91, D94
Coolidge, Art Q77
Cooper, Bob Q79
Cooper, Gary M69
Cooper, Jim M79, M82, M85
Cooper, Noel M56
Cooper, Tayne C93
Copplestone, Bruce Q90, D92, C94
Copson, Geoff Q75, Q78, Q80, M82*, Q84
Corbett, Chris D80, M88
Corcoran, John C80
Corcoran, Peter D97*
Cordwell, Tom Q58, W61
Corner, Peter C91
Cornwall, John M68
Corry, Max M65, A68*
Cosgrove, Chas C74, Q76, D78, M82
Cosgrove, Mike M59
Costello, Tony C79, D84
Costin, John D81
Couch, Bill M82, C85
Coverdale, John D79
Cowan, Alan C77
Cowan, Dave D69
Cowell, Bill M67, M69, D74, D87
Cowell, Trevor D78
Cowling, Geoff Q58
Crabbe, Arthur Q66
Crabbe, Steven Q90
Crabtree, Gil Q66
Craig, Derry M81
Cramond, Andrew M87, M92
Craven, Mike Q83, Q85, D88, M91, D94
Creed, Jim Q58
Creighton, Don M63
Cresswell, George M60
Crohn, Peter M55, M56, Q84*
Croke, Andrew C93
Crombie, Alistair C70, D79
Crombie, Bob Q79
Cronly, Peter M66
Crook, Andrew M80, C85, M93
Croser, Peter D90
Cross, Fred W64
Crossley, Louise M91*
Crossman, Alan M95
Crosthwaite, Peter M84, M89
Crothers, Tom M66
Crow, Greg D82
Crowle, Richard M81
Cruise, John M71
Cruse, Trevor C79
Csordas, Stefan Q55, Q57, Q59
Cummings, Peter C88
Curchin, Jerry M82
Currie, Graeme M60, W63, W67, C69, C74, M77, Q83, Q85, Q87, Q89
Currie, John Q70
Cusick, Mick D89
Cutcliffe, Max M66, M72
Cutler, Peter Q68
Dadswell, Graham C72, M74, M81, D83
Daff, Alan W68
Dahe, Qin C84
Dahlberg, Matt D89, M93
Dalgety, James M66
Dalgleish, Ken M86, M91
Dalgleish, Peter M84
Dalton, Bob Q53*
Dalziel, Ken H53
Darby, Kerri M96
Dare, John M74, M82
Dart, Jack Q64, Q65, M69, M71, M73, M75
Dartnall, Herbert D91
Davern, Eddie W63, W67
Davey, Allan D80
Davidson, John M63
Davidson, Laurie C72
Davies, Peter M76, Q78, Q80
Davies, Rex D94
Davis, Chas M68
Davis, Evan C81
Davis, Richard Q68
Dawe, Garry C85
Dawson, Peter L. M64
Dawson, Peter W. C73, M79
Dawson, Philip C91
Dawson, Stan Q50
Day, Dennis M85, D88, Q91
Day, Gavin M85, C87
Day, Lindsay Q76
de Jonge, Klaas C79
de La Harpe, George W59
de la Mare, Bill Q72
de Silva, Fred Q63
de Vere, Steve M92
Deakin, Gillian D86
Dean, Adrian Q59
Dedden, Peter Q79
deDeuge, Maria M87, M91
Delahoy, Andrew C88
Delahoy, George H54
Deland, Ray Q53
Delaney, Paul M79, D89, D93, M96
Delarue, Ashley C83
DeLeacey, David D87
Demech, Wally W65
Denereaz, William Q70
Denham, Bill Q49, M61
Denham, Kevin D83, C91
Denham, Les C70
Denholm, John Q57, W59
Dennis, Stewart M87
Denny, Graham D97
Dent, Vic M67
Deprez, Pat D84
Dettmann, Don C79, M81
Deurwaerder, Maurice Q71
Devitt, Bob M72
Dhargalkar, Vinod D83
Dick, Bill M60
Dick, Tony D82
Dietrich, Max C82, M86
Dilger, Peter D91
Dilong, Xi C86
Dingle, Bob H51, M54, Q56, D57*, W59*
Dippell, Nevil W68, M70
Disney, Trudy Q93
Dittloff, Heinz M81
Dodd, David Q61, D63
Dodds, Alan Q73
Dodds, Kevin M75
Don, Gavin M84
Donaldson, Andy D81
Donovan, Kevin D75, M86, M96
Doran, Luke C90
Dougheney, Peter C82
Douglas, Ian D60*
Douglas, Leon M83
Douglas, Steve M82
Doutch, Fred Q50
Dovers, Bob H48, M54*
Dowden, Dick Q56
Dowie, Don M56
Down, Horrie M69, C79
Downer, Graham M58
Downes, Max H51
Downey, Robyn M85, Q89
Doyle, Hugh H51
Draper, Geoff C90
Dreimann, Mark Q82, M84
Drinkell, Adam M95
Drummond, Neil C95
Du Toit, Carl W.C. Q48
Du Toit, Charles F. H49
Dubovinsky, Miro C94
Dubow, Bob M94
Dudley, John Q90
Duke, Alan M66
Dulfer, Steve C85
Duncan, John D75, D83, C88, Q92
Dunlop, Ross M59
Dunstan, Peter Q76
Durre, Mark Q79
Dwyer, Vic Q62, M64
Dyer, Ralph M60, M66, Q68, D71
Dyke, Graeme M60
Dymond, Michael M89
Eadie, Jock D59
Ealey, Eric H49
Easther, Rob D86*
Eastley, Wayne M83, C85
Eastoe, Harry M70
Eastwood, Gary C87, D91
Eather, Bob M63
Eavis, Chris Q83, M88
Edgar, Bill M66, Q72
Edward, Bill Q61, M63, M65
Edwardes, Dave Q66
Edwards, Darryl M69
Edwards, Hank C74
Edwards, Read D76
Edwards, Simon M95
Edwards, Tom W60, W62
Eiler, Steve D92
Ekstrom Lou M72
Elkington, Ted W66, D74
Elkins, Terry M60
Elliott, Fred H53, M55, M58
Elliott, John W66
Elliott, Phil D84*
Elliott, Wal M81
Ellis, Max D77
Ellis, Peter C82, M84
Ellis, Tom W64
Ellson, Mal D85, Q87, C90, M92, D95
Ellwood, Bruce Q63*, Q65*
Ellyard, David M66
Emery, Edward Q75
Endacott, Richard M83
Enfantie, John C89, D91
Erb, Erwin M76, D84, Q85, C88, M91, H92
Eriksen, Brian C72
Erskine, John M67*
Ertok, Ozcan M84, Q86
Esman, Rudi M93
Etherington, Ray C84
Evans, 'Pancho'M58, W62
Evans, Anthony Q61
Evans, Bert M59
Evans, Col D83, Q85, D88
Evans, Dale C71
Evans, John Q67
Evans, Tony Q62
Everett, Tony Q78, M80, D83, M85, M88, Q92
Everitt, Dave D77
Ewing, Adam C96
Eyers, Bruce D73, C97
Eyre, Bryan D63
Fahey, Brendan M89
Farley, John M64
Farrell, Leo D70
Faulkner, Jeff H52
Fawcett, Peter M70, M78
Feetham, Tim Q80
Felton, Kev M60
Fenton, Keith Q50
Fenton, Paul C87, D89, M92
Ferguson, Ian Q82
Ferguson, Oscar Q60, M62
Ferris, John D86
Ferris, Ross C88
Fiebig, Brian Q53
Field, Ephraim Q53, Q55, M57, W62, M75
Field, Peter D96
Figg, Norm Q50
Filson, Rex M62
Fimeri, Mark Q81
Finlayson, Keith D96
Firmstone, Tom Q54
Firth, Eddie Q96
Fischer, Henri M58
Fisher, Morris M57
Fiske, Paul C82
Fittock, Paul D77, Q81
Fitzherbert, Phil C71
Flannery, John Q79
Fleming, Rick M81
Fletcher, Keith W62
Fletcher, Lloyd D78, M80, Q82, C86, M90
Fletcher, Ralph C76, Q78
Flett, Alan Q57, W59
Flint, Bruce M76
Flower, Bill Q50
Flutter, Max Q53, Q55, D58*
Foale, Ron D63
Fogarty, Brian W64
Foley, Noel Q59, M62, M65
Foote, Glen C75
Foran, Peter C82, M84
Forbes+, Alastair H52
Ford, Leighton M84, M90
Ford, Peter Q51, Q55
Forecast, Mark W65, M67, Q69
Forrester, John Q76, M79
Foster, Allan M70, C73
Foster, Danny W62
Fox, Ivan Q56
Foxon, Ray D83
Franceschini, Jean-Pierre D75
Francey, Roger M64
Francis, Bob M61, M64
Francis, James M94
Francis, John Q80, D86
Frankcombe, Andrew D94, D95
Franzmann, Peter D84
Fraser, Brent D83
Fraser, Dave M82
Fraser, Ross Q53
Frearson, Keith M77
Freeman, Dave Q88, M90
Freeman, John H. C87, C89
Freeman, M. John M62, W64
Freeman, Richard C90
French, Dennis D88
French, John M89, Q92, D95
French, Simon D87
Freund, Eric Q97
Frew, Nick M93
Frisby, Chris M73, M94
Frith, Ken M70
Frost, Kym M89
Frost, Reg Q50, H52, Q61
Fuller, Horace D59
Fulton, Geoffrey M81
Gadd, Trevor Q64, Q68
Gaddes, Simon C77
Gales, Nick D86
Gallagher, Barry D85
Gallagher, Christian C96
Gallagher, Mark M82
Gallagher, Peter M71
Galletti, Tony D92
Galli, Henry M93
Gamgee, Chris C75
Gardner, Joe M88
Gardner, Lin H54, M56, D58, D71*
Gardner, Zoe Q76
Garnett, Ed M88
Garnsey, Ross C96
Garone, Peter C69
Garrick, Russell D87
Garriock, Andrew H49*
Garth, John M70
Gate, Keith M75
Gaugler, Werner M75, D80
Gaull, Brian M80
Gauthier, Roger M85
Gavaghan, Eamoun M63, M65
Gebler, Barry Q70
Gentner, Neale D86, Q90
George, John Q61, Q65
Germein, Graeme M87, C90, D92
Geysen, Henk M60*
Gherke, Heinz C70
Gibbens, Wayne Q95
Gibbney, Les H50, H52*
Gibbs, Colin C73
Giblin, James C94
Gibson, Jeff Q84
Gibson, John D87, D94
Gibson, Peter W65, M69
Gibson, Tim M92, C94
Gibson, Vin C73, C76, C80
Giddings, Alby W59
Giddings, Ted M61, D63, Q65, W66
Gidley, Peter Q76
Giese, Arthur H51, M83, Q85
Giese, Phil Q84, M87, C91, Q94
Giffen, Adrian M94, M96
Gigg, Paul M90
Gilchrist, Alan H48
Gilder, Andrew D88
Giles Ted M72, M74
Giles, Jack Q54
Gill, Ian D88
Gill, John M88
Gillard, Arthur C88, M92, C95
Gillespie, Des D72*
Gillies, David M86, D97
Gillies, John M67, C69
Gillott, David C87
Gilmour, Ed D84
Gilmour, John M83
Givney, Rodney C90
Glackin, David C91, Q93
Glazebrook, Dave D88, Q90, Q93, C95
Gleadell, Jeff M54
Gleeson, Kevin W63, W65, Q67
Gleeson, Paul D89, M92
Glenny, Mick W65, W67, M69
Goble, Robert D88
Goddard, Jane D93, M97
Godwin, Brendan M74
Golden, John Q78
Goldenberg, Burt W62
Goldsworthy, Bob C82
Goller, Graeme C72, D75
Gomez, Ron C70, M74
Good, Dave D93
Goodall, Mark C96*
Goodall, Wally Q62, D64, Q68
Goode, Andrew C76
Goodricke, John Q60
Goodspeed, Jim M57
Goodwin, Ian C85
Gooley, Keith M71, C74
Gordon, John M65
Gore, John H50, H54
Gorman, Chris W62
Gormly, Peter C73, M77
Gornall, Chris M77
Gosman, Ron Q70, C80
Gotley, Aub H48*
Gough, John C76, M81
Gould, Matthew D86
Gould, Robert Q86, Q96
Goulding, Peter M79
Gourin, Anatol Q54
Gowlett, Alan Q51, M55
Grace, Dan D73
Gracie, Rod D73
Graff, Tony M71
Grafton, Ron M63
Graham, Colin M76
Graham, Neal W60
Graham, Peter Q65
Graney, Dick D90, D94
Grant, Alan M93*
Grant, Dave B. C70
Grant, Dave J. M76, Q80, M82, C84, M89
Grant, David K. Q55
Grant, George Q81
Grant, Ian Q86
Gras, John C69
Gray, Paul C90, M92
Gray, Peter C82, D85
Green, Doug C83, M86
Green, Ken D84, H92
Greet, Pene M90, D97
Gregson, Peter Q63
Grey, Jon D93
Grey, Vic D73
Grice, Rodney D83
Grieve, David D92
Griffin, Malcolm D79
Griffin, Peter D64
Griffith, Brian C91, D96
Griffiths, Bill M74
Griffiths, David Q77
Griffiths, Peter M69
Griffiths, Trevor Q63
Grimsley, Steve W61, W63
Groom, Tony W66
Grove, Daryl D83, M86
Grove, Ivan M58
Grudgefield, Bill Q69
Grund, Don C71
Gully, Ray Q67
Gumbrell, Phillip D83
Gurr, Rob Q52
Guy, Peter Q74, M75
Gwynn, Arthur Q49*, H53
Hackett, Annette C96
Haddock, Pat D85
Hader, Fred W65
Hague, John Q64
Haigh, John M65
Hajkowicz, Alex Q66
Halden-Brown, Tim D80*
Hale, Karen D90
Hall, Bill Q72
Hall, Jim C86
Hall, Ken Q49, H52
Hall, Murray C71
Hall, Ross W64
Hallyburton, Graeme D87
Halpin, Michael C95
Hamelink, Ben M82
Hamilton, Blair M71
Hamilton, Bob Q88
Hamilton, Gerry C82, M84
Hamilton, Traci D91
Hamley, Trevor C78
Hamm, George M68*
Hammond, Charles M91
Han, Jiankang C85
Hancock, John C91*, D96*
Hancock, Rick C86
Hand, Ray D77
Hankinson, Ken C84
Hann, Ron W67, Q70
Hannan, Frank H51*, M57
Hansen, Erik W67, Q69
Hansen, Herb W59
Hansen, Paul C94
Hanson, Bill M60
Hanson, Ken M71, M73, M75, Q77, D78, Q80
Hanson, Scott M96
Harbour, Steve M70, M71, M73
Hardie, Garry M80, C83
Hardie, Michael C91
Harding, Bob C77
Harding, Geoff C81
Hardy, Dave M79
Hardy, Ken W59
Harlan, Kevin D97
Harley, Brian C83, C87
Harley, Greg M87
Harmon, Leonie Q82
Harrigan, Ed W61
Harris, Bruce M60
Harris, Charlie M61
Harris, Lex C83, C86
Harris, Ron W68
Harris, Steve M80
Harris, Stuart Q68
Harrison, Brian C75
Harrison, Chris. M91, M93
Harrison, Dave M90, C93
Harrison, Roger C70
Harrop, Jim W60, D62*
Hartnett, Michael M84
Harvey, Bill M54, Q58
Harvey, Brian C. D89
Harvey, Brian G. M77, Q79, C83
Harvey, Dave J. M61
Harvey, Dave W. Q69
Harvey, Ross W59, M62
Harvey, Sid W65
Harwood, Len M78, C81
Harwood, Tom Q59*
Hasell, Leigh D91
Hasick, Jim Q65, Q68*, M86*, M92*, M95*
Haste, Mark M81, Q83, D91
Hauenschild, Lutz Q88
Haunn, Marvin W62
Haw, Graham C74, M83, Q85, D87
Hawker, Alan Q54, D57
Hawthorn, Ivan D71, D73, Q75*, Q79*
Hay, Glen D80, C85
Hay, Malcolm D61*
Hayes, Alan C88
Hayes, John D80
Hayfield, Ken W68
Haymann, Werner M74
Haysom, Noel Q49
Hayward, Ron C76
Haywood, Reg C72
Hazelton, Bill C86
Heap, Mike C72, M74
Hearfield, Ross M97
Hearn, Bernard Q86
Heath, Colin D81
Hedanek, George C79, M81, C83, C86
Hedt, Paul C76, Q82
Hegerty, Terrence Q76
Heinrichs, George Q58
Hemphill, George W61
Henderson, Cary Q74
Henderson, Murray H54
Henderson, Sydney C69
Hendy, Martin C81
Hennessy, Mike M87, M89
Henry, Russ M82
Henry, Tom C80
Henstridge, Graham C72, M74
Heron, Wayne D96
Herrington, Robert Q61
Hesketh, Peter C84
Hesse, Michael D90
Hetherington, John C82, D85
Hewitt, Bruce C97
Hickey, Maurice W61
Hicks, Chris C73
Hicks, Harry Q55
Hicks, Ken W63 W65
Hicks, Peter C80
Higgins, Mark Q92
Higgins, Stuart M79
Hill, Bob Q57
Hill, Brendan C97
Hill, Ian M82
Hill, Kim C86, M88
Hill, Peter Q73, M75
Hill, Richard D86
Hill, Shane C86, M88
Hill, Viv M60
Himsley, Paul C90
Hinch, Graham C72, M74
Hinchey, Michael Q75, M77
Hinchey, Ray C71, M77, D79, D82
Hindell, Mark Q85
Hindle, Alex C85, M88, M90, C92
Hindle, Kerrie M89, C92
Hinds, Henry Q67
Hines, Andrew M93
Hines, Ken Q48
Hines, Michael Q57
Hinton, John D94
Hiscock, Allan C84
Hobbs, Col C86, D89
Hobbs, Terry C74, C85
Hobby, Derrick D60
Hocking, Wayne Q69
Hodge, Bryan M89
Hodges, Ralph W67
Hodges, Stuart D84, Q86, M91, C93, D95, M97
Hoelscher, John C90, M92
Hoffmann, Greg M76, D78
Hogan, Bill W61
Hogan, Kevin C71
Hogg, John M69
Holbery-Morgan, Geoff D74, M76
Holbrok, Len C69
Holder, Jim D63
Holland, Bert C69
Holland, Steve D89
Holliday, Louise D81
Hollingshead, John M56
Hollingshead, Rob C83
Hollingsworth, Bob C82, D85
Hollingsworth, Rod Q59, M61
Holmes, Alan M85, D91
Holmes, Bob W65
Holmes, Ian B. C73, C76
Holmes, Ian E. C83
Holmes, Mandy C93, C95
Holmes, Mick M79
Holmwood, Owen C89
Honey, Greg Q96
Honkala, Rudi W60
Hope, Chris C71
Hopley, Reg W67, Q71, M78
Hopper, Peter C77
Horne, Paul D80
Horsley, Don D82
Horton, John Q69
Horton, Peter C79, D76
Hoseason+, Richard H52
Hosken, Rod C81
Hotchin, Murray D87, M89
Hothem, Larry M69
Houlihan, Darren D97
Hovenden, Mark C92
Hovmand, Claus Q69
Howard, Cyril M63
Howard, Tony C86
Howarth, Greg C74, M76
Howell, Tony D84
Howells, Ted C69*
Hucker, Andrew D89
Huddy, Colin W66
Hudson, John M66
Hudspeth, John C79
Hughes, Dale D94
Hughes, Jack H53, C74
Hughes, Ray Q56
Hughes, Steve M88, C91
Hulcombe, Geoff D62, W64
Hull, Warren Q96
Hulme, Geoff M68
Humble, John M60
Hume, Angus Q81*
Humphreys, Alan W66
Humphries, Alf M80
Humphries, David C90
Hunt, Dave D91, M93
Hunt, Jeff D92
Hunter, Craig M90
Hunter, Dave D93
Hunter, Peter M77
Hutchins, Grant C93
Hutchins, Noel C78
Hutchinson, Rod A. M86, M88
Hutchinson, Rod L. C75, Q79
Hynes, Lyle Q80
Hynes, Michael Q55*
Iliff, Fred Q71
Illingworth, John M67
Ingall, Lindsay H52
Ingarfield, Dale C89
Inglis, Terry Q67, C71
Innes, Bob C69
Innis, John M93
Ireland, Tim M93
Irving, Keith M82
Ives, Dan C75
Izabelle, Bernie H53, M57
Jabs, Vic D61
Jacka, Fred H48
Jacklyn, Bob Q51, M56
Jackson, Anne C93
Jackson, Bob Q75, M77, M82
Jackson, Brian Q65, M67
Jackson, Ian Q93*
Jackson, John D72
Jackson, Ken Q73
Jackson, Peter W67, D69
Jacob, Peter M81
Jacobsen, Ian Q87*, D93*
Jacquemin, Phil M64
Jagger, Bert C75*
James, David Q68
James, Ian C73
James, Peter C83
James, Simon D90
Jamieson, John M92
Janson, Jarrod M97
Jaques, GeorgeM67, C76
Jarvis, Brian Q78, M82
Jefferyes, Jack Q55
Jeffrey, Alan D81, M83, D85, M87, M97
Jeffrey, Zeb Q51
Jelbart, John H48
Jelleff, Ron W67
Jenkin, John Q65
Jenkins, Dave D92
Jenkins, George M76
Jennings, Noel M60
Jennings, Tony Q82, D84
Jennings-Fox, Leon H53, M55, Q58, D60, W62, W64, Q66
Jeppson, Shane D83, M86
Jerums, Janis Q51
Jesson, Eric M58
Jew, Norm M68
Jewell, David M85
Jewell, Fred W61
Jialun, Jiang D83
Johansen, Geoff M56
Johns, David Q54, M57
Johnson, 'Narra'M68, M70, M74, Q75
Johnson, Deirdre C89, Q91
Johnson, Joe C81*
Johnson, Keven H51
Johnson, Shaun C93, Q95
Johnston, Bob M83
Johnston, Doug M57
Johnston, Ian M78
Johnston, Nigel M87, D89
Johnston, Tony M91, M95
Johnstone, Alan D74
Johnstone, Gavin Q70
Johnstone, Ian C82, Q83, C85
Johnstone, Phillip C69
Johnstone, Trevor M83
Jones, 'Mike'W64
Jones, Alun C74
Jones, Bob N. C81
Jones, Bob T. Q92*, M94*, M97*
Jones, Brendan M84
Jones, Brenton C89
Jones, Brian M82
Jones, Damien C82
Jones, Denise C85, M87, Q90, D94
Jones, Evan Q69, M72, Q74
Jones, Gordon C74
Jones, John Q54
Jones, Keith W60
Jones, Max M66
Jones, Neil C73, D79
Jones, Nic C90, M94
Jones, Norm H48
Jones, Norman M81
Jongbloed, Albert M83
Jongejans, Ross D84, M86, C89
Jongens, Sjoerd M80, Q86
Jourdain, Steve D88, M93
Joyce, Brian Q74
Jun, Li C87
Jury, Brian C86
Kaarsberg, John W68
Kalnenas, Kostos Q50
Kaloczy, Steve Q58, W66
Kalss, Willi C69
Karay, Steve C75
Kaszechki, Matthias C85
Kath, Darryl D76
Kavanagh, Ian Q77, D79
Kay, Amanda M97
Keage, Peter C76
Kearton, Peter M86
Keating, Frank H50
Keddie, Tom Q57
Keith, Kent Q56
Kellas, Bill Q57, M60
Kelly, Graham C83, Q90, M97
Kelly, Ian W67
Kelly, Paul M84
Kelly, Terry W68
Kelly, Tony C82
Kelsey, Peta Q83, M85
Kemp, Andy Q76
Kemp, John Q71
Kennedy, Malcolm D91
Kennedy, Ron M81 Q89
Kenny, Frank D96
Kenny, Ron Q48
Keogh, Bernie M79, Q84, Q87, D97
Kern, Ric C93
Kerr, Tony M67
Kerry, Knowles Q70
Keuken, Jannes D59
Keyser, Dave Q59, M61
Kibby, Julie Q89
Kichenside, Jim M60
Kiernan, Rob D94
Kildea, Patrick C95, Q97
Kilfoyle, Brian M66
Killalea, Pat C85
Kilpatrick, Jonathon C88
Kinder, Brian D87
King, Alan Q73
King, Colin Q74, M77
King, Eric D77, Q81
King, Peter C. Q64, M67
King, Peter W. Q48, M57, M58, C77, Q79
King, Richard C78
Kirby, Geoff M73
Kirkby, Syd M56, M60, M80*
Kirkwood, John D85
Kirkwood, Roger M93
Kirton, Malcolm M59, W63
Kitchenman, Paul D89
Kitney, Vic M68, M83
Kizaki, Koshiro M66
Klekociuk, Andrew Q88
Klemes, Paul Q96
Knight, Ian Q75
Knight, Michael M86
Knowd, Ian M82
Knox, Harry Q58
Knox-Little, Mike C72, M74, M76, M79, M82, Q85, M87, D90
Knox-Little, Ulla Q85, M87, D90
Knuckey, Graham M58
Koch, Stephen D97
Koger Lawry M72
Korlaet, Neven Q63, M66
Koschade, Walter Q73
Kosiorek, Piotr Q92
Kotterer, Chris D64
Kowald, Brian Q81
Kowalik, Glen Q88*
Kraehenbuehl, Barry Q66
Krause, Chris D83, Q85
Kreidl, Fred M82
Kretowicz, Eddy C88, D90, M93
Kros, Martin C75
Krulis, Walter Q71
Kuhl, Susan Q86
Kuhn, Steve C69
Kulikowski, Willie Q73, M75
Kurtzer, Brian D78
Lacey, Bob M55
Lachal, Bob M65, Q86*
Laird, Norman Q48
Lake, Dennis Q57
Lambert, Malcolm Q84, D89, Q95
Lambeth, Jim H48
Lamont, Grant M84
Landon-Smith, Ian M62
Lane, Jim Q91
Lane, Peter Q62, Q73
Lang, Robert D89
Langmaid, Chris C95
Langtip, Ray W67, Q69
Lanyon, Jack W65*
Lark, Andrew M79
Larkins, Greg D93
Larsen, Lars M76
Lauder, Bruce C72
Laurence, Jim C82
Lauricella, Peter M91
Lawrence, Graeme C85
Lawrence, Jeff C87
Lawrence, Joe M59
Lawson, Eddie M64, M67
Lawson, Peter H51
Lawton, Kieran M94
Le Compte, Peter C89, D91
Le Grip, Tony Q72, D75
Leach, Eric C78
Lebbon, Colin Q66
Leckie, 'Jock'M71, M73, Q75
Leckie, Doug M56
Ledingham, Jeannie Q77, Q80
Ledingham, Rod Q77*, Q80*
Lee, Evan D63, M69
Lee, John D83, C85
Lee, Kevin D92
Lee, Reginald M57, M66
Leedham, Roger Q68
Lees, Bruce D81, M84
LeFevre, Ian C86, D89
Legge, Chris C91, D93
Lehmann, Darron Q96
Lennox, Bill M89
Lensink, Bill W60
Leschinski, Roland D96
Leung, Sunny D94
Lever, Les C88
Levick, Robert Q60
Lewis, Andrew M90
Lewis, Keith C80
Libbiter, Bob M90, D96
Liddell, Bob W67
Liebeknecht, Les Q51
Lied, Nils H51, M56, D57, D61
Lightfoot, Dick C73
Liley, Phil C83, Q85
Lim, Gerry Q65
Limpitlaw, Dick C69
Lin, Jianping D85
Lin-Gen, Bian M82
Linden, Jim C76
Lindholm, Earl Q51
Lindsay, Dave M94
Lindupp, Ray C85
Ling, Hau C89, C91
Lippett, Robert M63
Lishman, Val M87
Little, Gerald Q85
Little, Mark Q76, C83
Little, Scott Q53
Little, Syd M67, C69
Llabres, Claude D81
Lloyd, Trevor C84, D87, M89, Q91
Loades, Don W68, M74
Lockhart, Peter M67
Lodwick, Graham Q64
Lodwick, Keith H54
Logan, Eddie M88
Longden, Peter M81
Longworth, Jeff C84
Love, Gerry C85
Loveridge, Mark M85, Q87, Q91
Lowe, Jim D78
Lucas, Bill D57
Lucas, Mike M62*
Luders, Dave C72*, M74*
Luff, Trevor M70
Lugg, Des D63
Lund, Rob Q86
Lunde, Jan W60
Lurz, Roger C95
Luu, Trang Q93
Lytwyn, Paul M85
MacDonald, Neil M76
MacDonald, Wayne C87
Macey, 'Lem'H48, M54, M71*, M75*
MacGibbon, Eric C87
Macha, Bill C69, C71
Machin, Doug M60
Mackelvie, John C92
MacKenzie, Duncan Q66
MacKenzie, Jenny Q92, D95
MacKenzie, John M56
MacKenzie, Ron C78
MacKenzie. Rod W68
Mackereth, Jeff M88, Q91, Q97
Mackie, Ian Q72
Mackie, Rob M97
Macklan, Guy M76
Mackle, Stuart D92
Macklin, Eric Q52, M55, M59
MacLean, Paul Q77
MacLeod, Gary C89, C77, C92
Macleod, Rod M81
Maconachie, Jim C76
Maggs, Tom M77, M80, C88*
Magill, Peter M79, M83
Maguire, Ossie M58
Maher, Gil W68, D71, Q73
Mahoney, Trevor C69
Main, Dale C88, C92, Q94, M97
Maines, Ron W61
Major, Gersh Q48, Q52
Major, John Q67, M69, Q71
Malachowski, Stan D83
Malcolm, Peter C87
Mallis, Michael Q82
Mallory, Roger W63
Maloney, Chris Q93
Mandelkern, Bernie M69
Manderla, Gunter M78
Manefield, Tom Q49
Manion, Michael M94, D97
Mann, Peter Q55
Manning, Graeme C79*
Manning, John M67
Manning, Phil C89
Manning, Stephen C82, Q87
Manning, Stuart M58
Mantel, Peter C87, Q94
March, Gary D74
Marchant, Ian Q71, M73
Marks, Alan M81
Marnock, Russ M75
Marriner, Alan W59
Marron, Pat H50
Marsh, Cathy C96
Marsh, Col W68
Marsh, Craig C96
Marshall, Paul C87, D95
Martin*, Alan Q48*
Martin, Andrew C84, D88
Martin, Barry C86*
Martin, Brian C82
Martin, Greg M65
Martin, Keith M66, M69, C71
Martin, Michael C83
Martin, Peter M64*
Martinez, Mario D97
Maslen, Graham M61*
Maslen, Peter W68
Mason, John W. D88, C92
Mason, Jon P. C69
Mason, Ray C80
Massey, Paul M94, Q96
Mather, Keith M57*
Matheson, Bronwyn C91, Q94
Mathews, Steve D81
Mattar, Adel Q69
Matthews, Paul C84
Maumill, Mark M92
May, Robert C94
Mayes, Dani D93
Mayman, Ken D64
McArthur, Neil Q79
McAuliffe, Glen D82, M86, D95
McBurnie, Stephen Q88
McCabe, Chris D82
McCallum, Alan D69
McCallum, Keith C80
McCarron, Terry C97
McCarthy, Ian M70
McCarthy, John H50*, Q52*, M56
McCarthy, Paul D93
McCarthy, Rex C81
McCombe, Lionel M79
McCombie, Sandy C84
McConnell, Christine Q90, M92
McCormack, Dave C72, M74, M78, M83, M86, M88
McCormack, John M83
McCue, Kevin Q69
McDermott, Robyn M83
McDiarmid, Graeme Q88, D92
McDonald, Bruce M68
McDonald, Donald Q64
McDonald, Graham Q56
McDonald, Ian C81, D83
McDonald, Keith Q59, M61, M63, C69
McDonald, Ken M62
McDonald, Nigel C70
McDowell, Mike Q71
McGann, Mike D71
McGarrigle, Leo H50
McGarry, Grant C88
McGhee, John W61, M65
McGill, Gerry C69
McGinley, Mark D70, M72
McGinley, Mike C69
McGlone, Terry C73
McGovern, Shaughan C85
McGrath, Peter Q63, M65, W67
McGrath, Ted M63
McGregor, John C73
McGregor, Peter Q52, M56
McHale, Cameron M97
McIllwham, John M85
McInnes, Brian Q58
McInnes, Gordon C70*, C73*
McIntosh, Colin M80
McIntosh, Ian C73, M75, M77
McIntosh, Neil C82
McIntyre, Hedley M59
McKechnie, Keith C80
McKenzie, Colin Q57
McKenzie, Don M68
McKenzie, Graeme M93, Q95
McKenzie, Jack C83
McKenzie, John W63, W65
McKenzie, Peter Q76*
McKern, Malcolm C87
McKinley, Bernie C88
McLachlan, Jim Q72*
McLaren, Alan W65
McLaren, Dugald C86
McLean, Ian James D81, D88, Q94, M97
McLean, Ian John Q92, M95, C97
McLean, Ian R. Q74
McLean, Ron D69
McLeary, John C75
McLeay, Don Q77
McLennan, Peter J. M81, Q83
McLennan, Peter R. Q68, C71
McLennan, Roger C88
McLeod, Ian M58
McLeod, Tracey Q87
McLoughlin, Russell D86, D89
McMahon, Brendan D88, Q92
McMahon, Clive Q95
McMahon, Ray M63*
McManus, Phil C82
McMullan, Maurice Q72
McMurtie, Lloyd C73, D80
McNair, Dick H53, M55, Q62
McNally, John Q61
McNamara, Terry C75
McNaughton, Colin Q57
McNaughton, Ian M61
McNeill, Alan D69
McPhee, Chris Q72
McQueen, James Q60
McRae, Cheryl C95
McShane, Ross M81
McSweeney, Pat D82
McTaggart, Andrew D88
McVie, Elizabeth Q86
Meades, Lindsay C81
Meadowcroft, Ted M84, Q88
Mears, Graeme C78
Meath, John Q70
Medhurst, Tim C83
Meerbach Cornelius M72
Mehonoshen, Di D92, D95
Meldrum, David Q74
Melick, David C91, C94
Melick, Peter C95*
Mellor, Malcolm M57
Melvold, Clarry M62
Menadue, Trevor M92
Mendis, Astrida M97
Menk, Fred D82
Mentha, Peter Q79, M82
Mercer, Barry D61
Mercier, Colin M86
Meredith, Neville M57
Merrick, Rob M60
Merrilees, Bill Q67
Merrill, Geoff M63
Merrony, Mike Q61
Merry, Hayden C72
Meyer, Mark Q71, D73, M81
Middleton, Geoff Q64
Mifsud, Noel C92*
Miller, Chris C85
Miller, Donald D91
Miller, John Q62
Miller, Kevin M62
Miller, Les M64
Miller, Neil M85
Miller, Ray C88
Miller, Rod C97
Miller, Warren D94
Miller, Wayne C81, M84
Milliet, Roger D86
Mills Graham M72,C87, D90, M92, Q95
Mills, Rodney M96
Mills, Sarah D96
Millward, Gerry D74
Milne, Jim M78, D80, C82, Q84, M86
Milne, John Q61
Milne, Mark D95
Minehan, Chris D79
Mino, Fausto M88
Mitchell, Ray W67, M69, M71, C72, M84
Mitchener, Ted Q75, M77, D79*
Moffatt, Neil D76
Mohring, Charles Q92
Molle, John D60, D62
Monkhouse, Bill Q48
Monks, Dick W66
Monks, Don M60
Monselesan, Didier C93, C95
Moo, Vernon C87
Moonie, Patrick M67, M69, M71, M73, M75
Moore, Allan M63, M65
Moore, Geoff H92
Morgan, Jim Q56
Morgan, Peter W64
Morgan, Roger Q69
Morgan, Tony Q71, D72
Morgan, Vic Q60, W63
Morgan, Vin W68
Morris, Ray C78, D81, D85
Morrison, Chris C86, M93
Morrison, Dave Q82
Morrison, Grant M85
Morrison, Ken M66*
Morrissey, John V. D79
Morrissy, John V. C74
Morton, Bruce W68
Mosmann, Jurgen M92
Mostyn, Todd D89
Mottershead, Geoff Q48
Mudge, Jennifer Q95
Mudge, Russell D96
Muir, Evan Q66
Munro, John A. C82*
Munro, John E. M. Q59
Munro, Paul Q82, D85, M92
Munstermann, Horst Q58, M60
Murchie, George Q70
Murcutt, Stan M68
Murdoch, Ken C80
Murphy, Damian M91
Murphy, Mark M78
Murphy, Mick M60
Murray, Andrew M81
Murray, Lyn Q63, W64
Murray, Ron M66
Murrell, Peter D80
Musgrove, Steven M81
Musk, Paul Q77
Myers, Paul C87, M90
Myles, Don Q63
Nagatalevu, Ulai C77
Nash, Norman Q62
Nash, Rob M75, M77, M93
Naughton, Geoff C77
Naughton, Peter D81, M87
Navin, Mark D72, D82
Neagle, John W68
Neal, Pete M69
Neff, Dick C75
Nehmelmann, Michael Q88
Neilsen, Peter D74
Neilson, Bruce W66, Q69
Neilson, Scott C87
Nelson, Bob M62
Nespor, Eric Q62
Neudegg, Dave D92
Newman, Alan D59, M61
Newman, Peter M89
Newton, Geoff M60
Newton, Malcolm Q70
Newton, Terry D87, D91, D94
Ng, Alan M96
Nicholas, David C84
Nicholls, David Q62
Nichols, Scott M90
Nicholson, Robert D71
Nicholson, Robert T. W66, W68, M70
Nickols, Alan A68
Nickols, Winston W68
Niehof, John D80, D93
Nielsen, Frank D77
Nilsson, Carl M57
Nissink, Henry M75
Nitschke, Kim Q88
Nixon, Robert D93
Noble, Roger M71
Norris, Dave M59
Norris-Smith, Peter C84
North, John D84, Q90
Nottage, Dave Q89
Nugent, Damien C86
Nunn, Bob Q64*
Nutley, Alan Q82
Nutt, Wally Q50
Nye, Harvey W59
O'Brien, Cec H53
O'Brien, John C87
O'Brien, Ray M77
O'Connor, Bill C86
O'Connor, Frank C79
O'Connor, John A. D82
O'Connor, John J. C79
O'Gorman, Mike D59
O'Keefe, John Q59, M64
O'Leary, Ray W64*
O'Mara, Tony C76
O'Neill, Alan M85
O'Neill, David C91
O'Reilly, Danny C83, M85
O'Rourke, Frank D87, M93, C97
O'Shea, Alan M64
O'Shea, John H. W62, W64, Q66
O'Shea, John P. D73
O'Sullivan, Huon Q87
Oatt, Ron H49
Ockenden, Jim C91
Ockwell, Bob Q81
Oetterli, Tony. M91
Oldfield, Bob M58
Oldham, Hugh Q51, M55
Oldroyd, Keith D60
Olesen Ole M72
Oliver, Leo M84
Oliver, Mark M74
Olrog, Trevor Q65, W67
Olsen, Lance Q78, C81
Oniszk, Ed C73
Onley, Les M59
Ooyendyk, Joe M94
Ooyendyk, Michael D96
Opulskis, Dail M94, D97
Orbansen, Peter C88, C90, M93, D97
Orchard, Bob C82, D84, M89, Q92, M94
Ormay, Peter W63, Q65, Q67
Ortner, Ricarda M87
Orton, Noel W61
Osborn, Eric C81, D90
Osborn, Ian D92
Osborne, Alan. M91
Ostberg, Mark Q97
Ostril, Lou D69
Owen, Gary D81
Owen, Seager M73
Owen, Steve Q95
Owen, Wally Q93
Oxenham, Lindsay C74
Oxnam, Terry Q74
Paddick, John H49
Paine, David D82
Paine, Roley Q69
Paish, Peter W61, M63
Palmai, George Q60
Palmer, Garth M71
Palmer, Ian C81, M90
Papij, Alex M76
Parcell, Simon D93
Pardoe, Russ M61
Parer, David M70, M72, Q75
Park, Cyril Q50
Parker, Alan Q66, D77*
Parker, Bob M90*
Parker, Des D69*, Q71, M72, Q75, Q78
Parnell, Malcolm C86
Parrott, Tom C80
Parry, Ray C80
Parsons, 'Nod'Q50, M55
Parsons, Rod C78
Parsons, Ron Q51, H53
Partridge, Rob D80
Paszowski, Janusz M70
Patch, Ron M78
Paten, Noel C95
Paterson, Lex M63
Paton, Robin D94
Patterson, Diana. M89*, D95*
Paul, Ray M95
Paulin, Dave D80, M84
Pavlinovich, Morris D95
Payne, Geoff W67
Payne, Robin D94
Paynting, Dick C75
Peake-Jones, Ken M59
Pearce, Geoff C81
Pederson, Ian Q62*
Peiding, Lu D82
Peiniger, John M75, M81
Penney, Dick W59, W60
Penney, Scott M88
Penny, Charlie M68
Perger, Col C72
Perriman, Alan H52
Perrin, Rick D82
Perry, Rob M79
Peterkin, Doug C71
Peterkin, Ross C89
Peters, John C75
Petersen, Bruce D75
Peterson, Roger Q64, W66
Petkovic, Josko M71, M78
Petrini, Rob Q77, M80
Petschack, Wayne C81
Pettit, Des C90
Pfitzner, Leigh W66
Phelps, Shane D93
Phillips Mike M72, M75, C78
Phillips, Alan C70
Phillips, Andre M84
Phillips, Bob Q82, C86
Phillips, Brad Q90
Phillips, David M82, C85
Phillips, Dick C70
Phillips, Ian Q77
Phillips, John M62
Pickard, John D80
Pickering, Geoff Q66
Pickering, Ron M57
Pike, Ray D90, M92
Piket, Ed D85, M88, C90
Pill, John Q72
Pilmore, Gary C82, D84, C86, Q91
Pimenov, Igor D92
Pinn, John M57
Pitman, Tracey D92
Pitson, Graham D91
Pizzinato, John C97
Plant, Bill Q78, C80
Plumb, Don M69
Pocock, Doug Q65
Podkolinski, Mark D77
Pollard, John W64
Poltev, Eugene M80
Poole, Gary M87
Poolman, Steven Q81
Porter, Adrian C77, C94
Porter, Andy M78
Porter, John Q76
Porteus, Ivan Q83
Post, Adele C90
Potrzeba, Ian C90
Pottage, Dave C72, M82, M85, M92, Q96
Poulsen, Barry Q67
Poulton, Michael M65
Powell, Dave C69
Powell, Mathew Q95
Powell, Owen D70
Powell, Tony C91, D93
Power, Keith D60
Prant, Fred C74, Q76
Prenter, Bill Q58
Price, Chris M96
Price, Gina M85
Price, Harry Q56, M59
Price, Murray Q69, C72, M76
Price, Tim D86
Priddy, Richard C81
Pridham, Linda D92
Primm, Roy D83, M86
Pritchard, Bill M76, Q79
Pritchard, Bruce Q52
Pritchard, Kevin M85
Pritchard, Phil Q78*
Proctor, Shane C96
Prohasky, Wendy Q84
Proudlock, Ray M78
Pryde, Graham M80
Pryer, Wayne D94
Puddicombe, Rhys D83
Purchase, Dave Q63, Q64
Pye, 'Scobie'Q80, Q82
Pye, Carol D89
Quinert, John M66
Quinn, Peter C78
Quinnell, Karen D95
Rachinger, Basil M73*
Rachinger, Russell C87*
Rada, Anton M93
Rahmat, Zain M83
Raisin, David M87
Randall, Randall Julian M78, M84
Rankin, Lyn D92
Rankins, John M66
Rasch, David Q84, D87, Q92
Raymond, Ian C90, M93, Q95, D97
Rayner, Lou C81
Rayner, Stephen M88
Rea, Paul C82
Read, Peter Q77, C90
Read, Ted M75
Reardon, Leigh C88, D90, Q92, M94, C95
Rec, Otaker H51
Redfearn, Harry Q59, D61, Q63
Redpath, Allan Q95*
Reece, Eric M96
Reeve+, Geoff C79
Reeve, Jon Q88
Regester, Robin M72, C76, D79, Q85
Reid, Don C81, D84, D86, Q88
Reid, Edwin Q61
Reid, Frank C74, Q76
Reid, Grant C73, M76
Reid, Ian M78, D81
Reid, Ivan M80
Reid, John Sinclair Q64
Reid, John Spencer Q67
Reid, Michael D89
Reid, Terry Q93
Reiffel, Kevine M67
Reilly, John M67
Reinhardt, Rod Q77
Reinke, Jason C97
Rendell, Steve C94
Retallack, Don M76
Reu, Ron W62
Reyes, Rick D78
Reynolds, Alan C77, M79
Reynolds, Bob M71
Reynolds, Janet D92, C97
Reynolds, Mark M93
Rhemrev, John Q63
Rhodes, Angela C94*
Riach, Allan D94
Rich, John Q90*
Richards, Stewart Q62
Richardson, Alan M58
Richardson, Kevin D89
Riddell, Alf H50, Q52, M55
Ries, Bryan D97
Rieusset, Brian W68
Riley, Gil Q75, M77
Riley, Max C80, D83
Riley, Mike C69
Rippon, Ralph M59
Ritchie, Frederick W63, M65, W68
Rivers, Joe Q66*
Roach, Derek D88
Robaard, Abraham D83
Robb, Alec Q49
Robb, Dick Q65
Roberts, Darin C95
Roberts, Neil M72*
Roberts, Nick D91
Roberts, Perry C91, M97
Robertson, Brian Q49
Robertson, Colin Q54
Robertson, Dave M70, M72, Q74, D80
Robertson, Geoff C83
Robertson, Graham M88
Robertson, Mal M70
Robinson+, Hartley Q55, W59
Robinson, Alan C73
Robinson, Bill C84, C87
Robinson, David M80
Robinson, Don C77
Robinson, Geoff M73
Robinson, Sue Q96
Robinson, Tom D88
Roff, Bob W66
Rogers, Dave W64
Rogers, Trevor Q81
Rohan, Phil Q76
Rollins, Shane M79, D82
Rooke, Allen C79, C83, M85, D87, M92, Q94
Rose, Terry M81
Roser, David C90
Roskrow, Ann C89
Rosler, Horst M71, M75
Rosser, Dion Q86
Rounsevell, David D73
Rowden-Rich, Murray C72
Rowell, Peter Q82, D93
Roy, Richard M92
Rubeli, Max M68
Ruckert, Paul Q57
Ruker, Ric M60
Russell, Chris Q74
Russell, David C74
Russell, Graeme C75, C78
Russell, Joan C90*, Q94*
Russell, John Q49, H52, M54
Russell, Ron D75
Rutter, Basil M60
Ryan, Neville C86, C91
Ryder, 'Red'M61, W63, W65, Q67, D71, Q73
Rynehart, Ross M96*
Sadler, Geoff Q73, D75, D78
Saffigna, Luke Q92
Salmon, Keith C86
Sambrooks, Brett C94
Sampson, Bob D81, Q84, D86
Sandercock, Jim M59
Sandilands, Alexander M57
Sansom, Julian A68
Sapalo, Peter Q97
Saunders, Bill W61
Saunders, Bob D76
Saunders, Lyn C69
Saunders, Ray C91
Saunders, Selwyn D93
Sawert, Alan M59, W66
Sawyer, Leon C71, C75
Saxton, Dick W63*
Scally, Christopher M71, M91
Scanlan, Mike D61
Scarborough, Dave M76
Scaysbrook, Frank W68
Scerri, Anthony C90
Schaeffer, Bob M63
Schafer, Keith C77
Schahinger, Robert M80, Q83
Schellaars, Arie C75, M78
Scherek, Bill Q78
Scherell, Glenn M93, C95
Schmidt, Dieter M73, C77
Schmidt, Richard Q67
Schmidt-Harms, Chris Q81
Schmiechen, Joc C89*
Schmith, Rob C87
Schmitter, Rick D64, Q66, M78, C80
Schneider, Darryn C96
Schneider, David C74
Schneider, Merv M73
Schocker, Wayne M79
Scholes, Arthur H48
Scholz, Phillip D95
Schrapel, Rod C75, C78
Schwartz, Georges M54
Schwetz, Peter C71
Scoble+, Charles Q48
Scott, Fiona D91, D97
Scott, Jenny Q90
Scott, John Q56
Seaton, John M56
Seavers, Jim M61, M63
Sebbens, Jim D91, C94
Seedsman, Barry. C77*
Seedsman, Don W62, M64
Seidl, George Q78, M80, D84, C86
Sell, Helmut C76
Sellick+, Brenton Q71
Semmens, Jim C84
Sephton, Graeme M78
Severin, Dennis Q74
Sexton, Mike Q77, M79
Seymour, Paul M87
Shadbolt, Keith D89
Shanahan, Michael C96
Shanks, Robert D96
Shannon, Frank Q52
Sharpe, David Q74*
Sharrock, Ray M67
Shaughnessy, Peter Q66
Shaw, Bernie Q55, M57
Shaw, Dave Q80, M90
Shaw, John M57
Shaw, Peter H53, M55
Shaw, Robert C91
Sheehy, David C79
Sheers, Bob C77
Shennan, Ken M63, W65, Q67
Shepherd, Kevin M80, Q85, C90
Sheridan, Kevin M84, C86, M92
Sherlock, Matthew M86
Sherwood, Bob C79
Sherwood, Michael D86
Sherwood, Ron M79, D83, C91
Shipp, Erik Q50
Shirley, Tony M73
Short, Keith Q54
Si Phu, Thuong M93
Sibthorpe, Dick D83, D86
Siddall, Paul M70
Sidebottom, Ron D81
Sigston, Jeff M80
Silberstein, Richie M82
Silich, Jovan M72, Q75
Sillick, John W66, C71
Silson, Alan M83
Silver, Craig Q86
Simmonds, Neil W64, C74
Simmons, Ted W65
Simon, Max Q60, W62
Simon, Robin W63
Simounds, John C76, C79
Simper, Donna C94
Simpson, Chris M67
Simpson, Harry Q68
Simpson, Ken Q65
Simpson, Rod Q68
Sinclair, Bill C85
Singh, Devindar C92
Single, Mark M62
Singleton, Bill C72, D81, M85
Singleton, John C70
Sisson, John M77
Siver, Dale C94
Skinner, Leigh Q81
Skira, Irynej Q74
Sleeman, Bob Q82
Slip, Dave Q88, H92
Small, Graeme W64
Smart, John Q83*, C85*
Smart, Phil Q87, C89, C90
Smethurst, Nev W61*
Smith, Adrian C83
Smith, Barry D89
Smith, Bruce M70*
Smith, Dale D81, M83, Q86
Smith, Deryk Q59
Smith, Eric C82
Smith, Frank M58
Smith, Geoff M61
Smith, Gordon W64
Smith, Graeme T. Q66, Q67
Smith, Graham K. C78, C81, D94, C96
Smith, Jeff C94
Smith, Jeremy Q96*
Smith, Jim W60
Smith, John Q65
Smith, John R. Q72, M73
Smith, Ken M69
Smith, Kevin Q68
Smith, Laurie Q75
Smith, Neil M71, C82
Smith, Paul A. D92
Smith, Paul Richard C81
Smith, Paul Richard C94
Smith, Reg H49
Smith, Ron M68
Smith, Tony C80
Smyth, Patrick C90
Snow, Graeme C91
Somers, Kevin Q81
Sommers-Cain, Neil D82
Songlin, Qian C83
Sorensen, Bernie M82, Q84, M86
Soucek+, Frank Q52, W60, W62
Southern, Barry C77
Spano, Angelo W60
Sparks, Andrew W66
Speake, Andy C87
Speedy, Charles Q48
Speedy, Doug Q87, Q89
Spence, Fred W63
Spitzer, Werner C73
Spooner, Mark M85, M87, C93
Spriggins, Shane C88, M90
Springlo, Ric M68
Sproson, Mike W68
Sprunk, Peter D85, D87, D92, D94, Q96
Spruzen, Peter M72
Spry, Christine D91, Q92, Q94, M96
Spry, George C96
Squibb. John D72, M76
Stadler, Sepp W61
Stair, Noel Q64
Stalker, John Q62, M64, D70*, C74, Q79
Stanborough, John M85
Stanfield, Eugene C75
Stanimirovic, Peter D72, Q76
Stansfield, Peter W61
Stapleton, Marc M64
Starr, Jack H51
Stean, Fred Q61*
Steel, John Q73*
Steele, David M80, C85
Steele, Merv C84, C87
Steers, Brett D89
Steiger, Otto D59*
Stenton, Charles C86
Stephen, Dick C74
Sterrett, Ron Q49
Steuart, John Q57
Stevens, Sarah Q77
Stevenson, Chris M92
Stewart, David Q93
Stibbs, Keith Q51*, Q54
Stickland, Jeff W67
Stickland, Peter M80, C83
Stinear, Bruce M54, D57, M59
Stokes, Tom Q97
Stone, Adrian C72, M74
Stone, Greg D96
Stone, Ian C83, M86
Stone, Michael C79, M96
Stone, Trevor C69
Storer, Bill Q51, M54
Stott, David D92
Stow, Bob C78, D88
Stracey, Mike C74
Strawbridge, Wayne D87
Streten, Neil M60
Strochnetter, Fred Q52
Strover, Bill D63
Stubbs, Lindsay M79
Stucki, Chris C88
Sturrock, John Q53
Styk, Karol D81
Suckau, Jorg C70, D73
Sugrue, Garry Q83, C85, M91
Sullivan, Nerida Q81, Q83
Sullivan, Peter D83, D85, Q88
Sullivan+, Reginald W68
Sulzberger, Phil Q59
Summers, Bob M54
Sundberg, Gerry M56
Supp, Lyle C73
Sutcliffe, Peter M89
Suter, William D60
Sutherland, Ian C97*
Sutton, John C79
Sutton, Robert Q65
Svensson, Alf D64, Q67, C69
Swadling, Kerrie D94
Sweetensen, Danny Q52, H54
Swindells, Lindsay D80, D88
Swords, Stewart M72, Q75
Sykes, Ron D82
Sykorra, Horst M84
Symonds, Steve Q72
Symons, Lloyd D91, C93, D95
Synnott, Paul D92
Szkup, Richard Q76
Szworak, Eric D75, D79, C84, M88
Taaffe, John D70
Tait, Martin M93
Tann, John M77
Tapp, Mark M86, C92
Tarbuck, John Q63, W65, W67, D69
Tarves, Tracy Q96
Tassell, Phil D93
Tate, Ken M62
Taylor, 'Jock'M64, W66
Taylor, 'Pud'Q78, Q80
Taylor, Alec C91
Taylor, Bill T.J. M63
Taylor, Bill W. Q50
Taylor, Bob M80
Taylor, Brian D. C73
Taylor, Charles C83
Taylor, Colin C69
Taylor, David D89
Taylor, Graeme W. M75, Q78, Q88
Taylor, Graham M66, Q68
Taylor, Ian M73
Taylor, Ivan C82, Q84
Taylor, Mike Q52, Q54, Q60*
Taylor, Roxanne D89
Taylor, Stan Q64, W66
Taylor, Trevor M96
Teague, Ian M76*
Teece, Richard M91, D93
Tenni, Peter Q53
Tepper, Graeme Q73
Terwin, Godfrey C97
Teyssier, Paul H52, M59, D62
Thollar, Andrew C77
Thom, Ogilvie D96
Thomas, 'Taffy'Q53
Thomas, Alan Q61
Thomas, Bill M72
Thomas, Chris Q63
Thomas, Ian M67
Thomas, Ivan Q60, W63
Thomas, Robert Q86, Q88
Thomas, Robin M84, C87
Thompson, Bob D92, C97
Thompson, Bob W. Q73
Thompson, Garth Q89, D91, C94
Thompson, Graham C75
Thompson, Peter D91, C93
Thompson, Russ W63
Thomson, Bob W62*
Thomson, George M81
Thorn, Dave C87
Thorne. Robert C95
Thornton, Harry H50
Thorp, Arnold W61
Thorpe, Bruce M95
Thwaites, Rick C84
Tibbits, John M76, C85
Tierney, Mike C78
Tierney, Trevor D73
Tihema, Robin D85, D96
Tindale, Ted Q51
Tingate, Trevor C93
Tink, Andrew C97
Tivendale, Charles D72, M80
Tod, Ian W59, M61
Tomes, Christopher C92
Tomkins, Bob M70, Q75
Tomkins, Michael M95
Toms, John D89, M92, Q94
Torckler, Ray D59, W61
Totten, John Q49
Towney, Graeme Q85
Townrow, Karen Q88
Townsend, Simon D87, D89
Towson, Peter M66
Trace, Len C89, M93
Trail, Dave M61
Trajer, Frank D61, M64
Trelander, Hugh Q68
Treloar, Jeff M84, Q87, M95
Trengove, John M95
Tretheway, John M76, Q79
Trigwell, Elliott D58
Trost, Peter Q56, M58, M62
Trott, John C74
Trott, Norm D62, D64*
Trouchet, Bevin Q84
Trupp, Norbert D85
Tschaffert, Helmut M58
Tucker, Mark D82
Tuckett, Phil M70
Tuckwell, Peter C80
Tully, John M95
Turnbull, Brian M84*
Turnbull, Laurie M65
Turner, Glen C91, D92
Turner, Jack C70, M74
Turner, Judy Q83, M85
Turner, Peter D58
Turple, Alex Q58
Twelvetree, Peter C69
Twigg, Dudley Q56, M58, C78*
Twycross, Will D79
Tymms, Tony D88
Tyrrell, Joe C76
Udovikoff, Serge H50
Ullman, Geoffrey M93
Underwood, Bob W59, W62
Underwood, Bruce C81, Q86
Underwood, Chris M91
Underwood, Mark Q89, D92
Upton, Ted Q82*, M85*, M87*
Uren, Dale D81, M83
Urie, Alistair M84
Urquhart, Dave M75
Vallance, Jim C78, M80
Vallis, Andre Q78
Van Erkelens, Kees Q60
van De Geyn, John C89
van Hulssen, Frits M55, M59
Vandersant, Hans D77
Vardy, Phil D71
Varma, Paul C74*
Varvel, Dave M79
Vaughan, Tony C93
Vause, Harry H50
Vella, Joseph M93
Verbruggen, Tony M77, Q81
Vernon, Bill C74
Vestjens, Wilhelmus Q62
Vilhjalmsson, Dagur D76, M80
Vince, Barry C76, M79
Vivash, Ian M77
Vizi, Andrew Q86
Voloshinov, Nikolay M79, D82
Von Bibra, Glen C81
von Renouard, Eddie M61
Vrana, Attila M65, M68, M72, H92*
Vukovich, John M63
Wake-Dyster, Kevin M77, Q79
Wakeford, Reg M62
Walkden-Brown, Tim Q69
Walkem, Lance Q64, D72
Walker, Col C83
Walker, Don W62
Walker, Kevin C. D85, C87
Walker, Kevin G.M62
Walker, Robin Q67*
Walker, Terry D81
Walker, Tim D85
Wall, Brian W60
Wallace, Geoff D86
Walsh, Graeme M83
Walsh, Jack H50, H51, H54
Walsh, John Q74
Walsh, Ross C79, C85
Walter, Jeff C71*
Walter, Jerry C70, M74
Wantenaar, Gert D81*, D88*
Warchot, Karl Q70
Ward, Alan Q75, D78
Ward, Dave W60, D62
Ward, Don D77
Ward, Jack Q50, M55
Warden, Ossie H49
Wardhill, Paul M83
Ware, Bill M68
Ware, Tom Q77
Warhaft, Naham M64
Warham, John Q60
Warner, Richard Q95
Warren, Peter C75
Warriner, Tony D61, M63, W65, C71, Q73
Washington, Dale M91, Q97
Waterhouse, Robbin D71, Q72
Waters, Ian C70, C73
Watkins, Brenton Q70
Watson, Anne C94
Watson, Bob M63
Watson, Garry D81, M83, C85, D94
Watson, Gordon D79
Watson, Keith C.Q61
Watson, Keith D. M65, M68, M70
Watson, Ken Q51
Watt, Iain D76
Watt, Vic D76
Watts, Geoff D88
Watts, John M62
Watts, Paul D69, M75
Waugh, Bob D76
Waugh, Don C85
Waugh, Stuart C78
Wayman, Peter H50
Weatherson, Terry M70, C72, M74
Weaver, Murray Q51
Webb, David D90
Webb, John D89, D92
Webb, Mick C70, C73, C75
Webb, Ron Q72, M83
Webb, Rowan M69
Webber, Bob Q53
Webster, Bruce Q58
Webster, Charles W63
Webster, Gilbert M65
Webster, Phillip C88
Wehrle, Egon C77
Weight, Dave Q80
Weir, Charlie W67, C69, D85, M87, Q89, M91, Q93
Weiss, Henry M81, Q83
Welch, Lennie H53
Weller, Gunter M61, M65
Wells, Geoff M82
Wells, Wayne W68
Welsh, Robin D80
Welsh, Roger D82, Q84
Wen, Bo C89
Werner, Ole M76, M82
West, Brian Q72, D74
Westbury, Matthew D89
Westerhof, Herman C81
Westwood, Dick D70
Wheaton, Randall Q89, D91
Wheeler, Graeme. M57
Whelan, Patrick C92
Whelan, Ron D64, Q66
Wheller, Shane C93
White+, Robert M63
White, Alan C83, Q85, M88
White, Fred C73, Q75
White, Jim W61
White, Ken W66
White, Sheryl C86
Whitehead, Colin E. W67
Whitehead, J. Colin Q77
Whitehead, Michael D87
Whitehorn, Lionel M90, D92
Whitehouse, Gordon M64, M66
Whitehouse, Joe Q70
Whitehouse, Mike D81, Q83, C87
Whiteley, Brian C84*
Whiteside, Bob W68
Whiteside, Graham C75, D80, M90, M94, Q97
Whitfield, John Q74, D83
Whittle, Mick C86, M88
Whitton, Harry Q54
Whitworth, Roy W63, W64
Whyte, Peter Q63
Wicks, Bob C88
Widdows, Ian M59
Wieneke, Barbara M94
Wigg, David M62
Wiggins, Ron W65, C69
Wignall, John M79, D84
Wignall, Mike D64
Wilkes, Ashley Q97
Wilkinson, Alan C73, C80
Wilkinson, Arthur M89, Q91
Wilkinson, Bob Q53
Wilkinson, Geoff M61, W63
Wilkinson, Noel M87
Willdin, Michael M87
Willey, Russ C71, D73, D75, C77, M79
Williams, 'Snow'W59, M62
Williams, Alex D93
Williams, Allan M66, D70
Williams, Des M77
Williams, Dick D74
Williams, Geoff W64
Williams, Gwyn C91, C95
Williams, Lynn Q81, M84
Williams, Norm M95
Williams, Paul M88
Williams, Pelham D84, D87, D90, D94
Williams, Rod D89, M93
Williams, Rodger M64, W66, W68,
Williams, Warwick Q81, M84
Williamson, Trevor C96
Willing, Dick M57
Willis, Michael M83
Willmett, Dennis W66
Willock, Charles M82
Wills, Graeme C89, M93
Wills, Rob M78
Wilshaw, Jack Q69
Wilson+, Ken W. M72
Wilson, Ashleigh M95
Wilson, Bob C73
Wilson, David D90, M95
Wilson, Garry M82
Wilson, Hugh M58
Wilson, Ivan M83
Wilson, Jeff C77
Wilson, Jim Q71
Wilson, John D92*
Wilson, Ken R. Q95
Wilson, Michael C87
Wilson, Peter D91, M93
Wilson, Richard D85, C89
Wilson, Stan W61
Wiltshire, Alan C.W. M68
Wiltshire, Alan Q94
Wiltshire, Denis C92, M96
Windolf, John M71
Windsor+, John Q50
Winter, Allan Q79, M81
Winter, Robin M95
Wiseman, George C97
Wishart, Ted M63
Withers, Ken M69, M72
Wohlers, Peter M77*
Woinarski, Brian M65*
Wolfe, Stuart M81
Wolter, Phil M76
Wood, Andrew C84
Wood, Harold M69
Wood, Ian M67
Woodberry, Barry M62
Woods, Nev W64
Woods, Rupert Q90
Woodsmith, David C75
Woollard, Warren Q93
Woolley, Gay Q83
Worden, Ron C71, Q73, C80
Wright, Chris Q81
Wright, Clint C71
Wright, Harold Q60
Wright, Ray C87
Wyatt, Jim Q51
Wyers, Bob M61
Wyld, Mike M76
Wythes, David D87, Q91
Xu, Lu-Qiang D87
Xuereb, Joe C78
Yang, HeFu D88
Yates, Peter M83, M86
Yeoman, Bob M81, C84
Yingling, Dave W60
York, Keith H48
Yost, Bob M80, C83
Young, Bill M61, D63*
Young, Calum D85, C88, M94, D97
Young, David B. D88
Young, David G. M84
Young, Greg C82, Q86
Young, John C70, M72, M88
Young, Neal C71
Young, Peter H50
Young, Simon D89*
Young, Ted C90, M94
Zacharia, Andrew C77
Zakharoff, Oleg M60
Zappert, Mike D70
Zhang, Qingsong D81
Zichu, Xie C82
Zimmerman, Harry M73
Zipan, Wang D84
Zmood, John M73
Zwar, Meredy C91, M94, D97

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