I worked in Antarctica, at Casey Station, from December 1995 until February 1997. From Casey I went to Davis, Gaussberg, Mt Brown, Davis, Heard Island, and finally back to Hobart in late March. On this trip I did many things - here is some of the stuff I wrote along the way.

A trip to the old American glaciology station S2 .
A trip to Blyth Junction to pull the mast of Griffo's Roadhouse. I also talk about a great aurora I saw not long before going on this trip.
A traditional event is HF radio darts, which lasted a few weeks.
Each week Ant Div puts out a newsletter called 'The Icy News'. This was my contribution for Casey.
For our Year Book I wrote pieces on my work for ASP and what I did as Station Photographer.
Rex Moncur visits to Blunn Island.
Some boating notes for the Windmill Islands that I wrote.
After leaving Casey Andy got me a gig helping him in the field with some rock doctors. After a week on the ship we were flown into Davis, then sat around due to bad weather for a few days, then flew into Gaussberg, where we stayed 10 days, and then onto Mount Brown, where we stayed sort of 3 days, before going back to Davis to wait for the ship.
On the voyage home I got to visit Heard Island. We passed the MacDonald Islands a few hours before reaching Heard.
Ray, my boss at the Antarctic Division, asked me to reply to an unusual request he had got. It was a RMIT design student that was doing a project designing "AN INTERIOR JOLLY FOLLY, A GLASS HOUSE WHICH HOUSES ARTIFICIAL FIELDS OF HELIOTROPES. .... ONE COMPONENT OF MY DESIGN IS AN AURORA VIEWING PLATFORM, FOR COCKTAIL PARTIES NEAR CASEY". I had fun replying to this wonderfully stupid and good idea.
A note found under a rock cairn along Shirley Channel. Very puzzling