1968 Winter Over Personnel of Wilkes Station
Allan, Bob Anderson, Peter Bilson, John Bray, Joe Brightwell, Neil Champion, Clive Daff, Alan Dippell, Nevil Harris, Ron Hayfield, Ken Kaarsberg, John Kelly, Terry Loades, Don MacKenzie. Rod Maher, Gil Marsh, Col Maslen, Peter Morgan, Vin Morton, Bruce Neagle, John Nicholson, Robert T. Nickols, Winston Rieusset, Brian Ritchie, Frederick Scaysbrook, Frank Sproson, Mike Sullivan+, Reginald Wells, Wayne Whiteside, Bob Williams, Rodger
Wilkes 1968 Crew
Large version of Wilkes base group photo 1968. Photo thanks to AAD Image Library.
Large version of Repstat base group photo 1968. Photo thanks to AAD Image Library.